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Category Archives: News & Updates
News & Updates about & from HDNA
HDNA and Progressive Israel Network Support Van Hollen Amendment Preventing the Use of US Funding for Illegal Annexation
The following joint statement was issued by eight members of the Progressive Israel Network: Ameinu, Americans for Peace Now, Habonim Dror North America, J Street, the New Israel Fund, Partners for Progressive Israel, Reconstructing Judaism,and T’ruah:
As progressive organizations committed to supporting democracy and equality in Israel and a just and peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians, we have made clear our staunch opposition to any unilateral Israeli annexation of occupied territory in the West Bank. Such a move would violate international law and severely imperil Israel’s future as a secure, democratic homeland for the Jewish people. It would aim to permanently relegate the Palestinians to life in disconnected enclaves without independent statehood or basic civil rights.
Deer Scout & dslrdj to perform at Ma’apilimot Seminar 2020!

We are excited to announce that Deer Scout and dslrdj, two rising performers with roots in HDNA, will play at Ma’apilimot Seminar 2020! All are welcome to join for this show, on Saturday, May 23 at 8pm EDT. Sign up for Maap Sem, including the concert, at, or reserve your spot at the concert at
#HaboDraws Coloring Book

While you’re stuck inside, check out this coloring and games book compiled by leaders from all of the Habonim Dror countries around the world! You can color and connect without being glued to your screen, and learn some movement history while you’re at it. A HUGE thank you to Becky Tuck and our friends in Habonim Dror United Kingdom (HDUK) for their quick thinking and action on this amazing shared project! Kol ha’Kavod and Aleh v’Hagshem!
Progressive Israel Network Calls on Israeli Government to Rescind Its Deportation Order Against HRW’s Omar Shakir

As American Jewish organizations deeply concerned about the future of Israel’s democracy, we are disturbed and saddened by the decision of the Israeli Supreme Court to uphold the Israeli government’s order to deport Omar Shakir, Human Rights Watch’s Israel and Palestine Director.
Human Rights Watch plays an integral role in documenting and opposing human rights abuses wherever they take place around the world. Allowing human rights organizations like HRW to engage in this work is crucial for any democratic society. The Supreme Court’s decision helps fuel the Israeli right’s widening campaign of incitement and suppression against those who research and oppose the injustices of the occupation. It sets an unacceptable precedent for all groups and activists engaged in this essential work — whether Israeli citizens or non-citizens, Jewish or non-Jewish. As 23 Israeli civil society organizations wrote, the decision to allow for the deportation of Omar Shakir “severely harmed us all.”
Continue readingHabonim Dror North America Condemns Trump Administration’s Announcement on Legality of Settlements
Habonim Dror North America strongly condemns the Trump administration’s statement that Israeli settlements in the West Bank do not violate international law. We understand this statement as a callous move towards annexation and incompatible with a path towards genuine peace.
Progressive Israel Network says NO to annexation in letter to Israeli political leadership

Today, thirteen organizations – the coalition members of The Progressive Israel Network (PIN), the Israel Policy Forum, the National Council of Jewish Women, and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association – sent a letter to the heads of Israel’s political parties calling on them to refuse any kind of unilateral annexation of the West Bank or parts of it.
Habonim Dror North America among Ten Organizations that Launch New Progressive Israel Network
June 24, 2019
Ameinu, Americans for Peace Now, Habonim Dror North America, Hashomer Hatzair, The Jewish Labor Committee, J Street, The New Israel Fund, Partners for Progressive Israel, Reconstructing Judaism, and T’ruah Join Together To Support Progressive Vision For Israel
Today, ten leading organizations representing Americans who are committed to pursuing democracy, equality and peace in Israel announced the launch of the Progressive Israel Network. The new coalition will provide a strong, unified voice in support of its members’ common goals: democracy and equal rights, religious freedom and pluralism, and a two-state solution that would secure a peaceful future for Israel and end the 52-year-long occupation.
Continue readingBridges, Bravery, Bricks, and…Sandwiches! The Rakazei Chinuch share their themes for Summer 2019
Every summer, the rakazei chinuch (educational directors) at our six machanot choose a theme for their educational tochniot (programs). Taken together, the themes give a taste of the kind of education chanichimot (campers) in HDNA will go through this summer: active, visionary, empowering, and most of all fun! Here are this summer’s themes, presented by the rakazei chinuch themselves.

What happened at Maapilimot Seminar 2019?

This past weekend, maapilimot from shkavot 68 through 64, from all six of our machanot, gathered at Machaneh Galil in Ottsville, PA for Maapilimot Seminar 2019. The five-day seminar was packed with peulot, decision-making, bonding, and fun! Maap Sem was planned by a vaad of dedicated maapilimot representing all the shkavot and machanot.
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