Summer 2020 is a unique one in Habonim Dror North America history, with machanot meeting virtually or for day camps during the coronavirus pandemic. We’re asking our dedicated madrichimot what it’s been like to continue to #LeadTheHaboWay during this unprecedented time.
Why did you choose to be a madrichol during the summer?
I chose to be a madrich this summer because I wanted to continue the traditions of camp through the pandemic. I wanted to make sure that machaneh existed as a space for my chanichimot in the same way that it existed for me.
How does it feel to meet chanichimot during this specific summer?
It is always an amazing experience meeting my chanichimot during the summer. This year despite all of our interactions taking place virtually it was still very exciting meeting my chanichimot.
Describe a peula you ran where you felt like you were making a difference for the chanichimot.
I think that the peula that I ran that made the most of a difference is one that I ran last summer on respecting one another for my chanichimot. There was some conflict in their kvutzah but we were able to work through that conflict in order to reach understanding