Welcome to SHANA 12!

There’s nothing like the relationships you form at machaneh—don’t lose touch as you head to university! Instead, join your kvutza to continue your HDNA journey together, in SHANA (Shnat Hatchala North America – Beginning Year North America). SHANA is a great way to stay connected with your Habo values and your international shichvah.

SHANA is a mixture of online peulot and kvutza check-ins that HDNA is offering to shichvat 74 this year. This will be the twelfth year of SHANA, and we are really looking forward to another year full of awesome conversations, difficult questions, and all sorts of videoconferencing shenanigans!


Register and apply for scholarship for SHANA using this form.

Tuition & Scholarship

Tuition: SHANA tuition is $80 USD for 2024-2025.

Early Bird Tuition: 65$ USD. To be eligible for the Early Bird Tuition, you must register for SHANA by August 31st!

Additional information about payment and scholarship is available in the registration form.



As you graduate high school and enter your next chapter, you will likely encounter new opportunities and challenges. SHANA is designed to help participants get accustomed to their new environment while maintaining a strong connection to the supportive Jewish community in Habonim Dror. Participants will have a chance to maintain old relationships and begin new friendships with other HDNA members their age. Together, they will explore Jewish history and current social issues in Israel and North America. The result is a year enriched by the support of a strong community and a continued bond to Judaism.

Participants interested in a more intensive program to continue their Habonim Dror experience should check out Workshop, our gap year program in Israel.

What are the online peulot about?

SHANA covers topics parallel to Workshop, like Jewish history, the history of Zionism, the origins and modern reality of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the history of youth movements, and social issues in Israel today. We also process current events together and share our experiences during the transition to university. Kvutzot can also plan their own content or choose topics to add to the tochnit, especially in the second semester. 

Will SHANA participants have a role at larger HDNA events?

SHANA participants are encouraged to attend all HDNA seminars and events that are open to ma’apilimot (college age movement members). If you would like to have a more active role in shaping or leading an event or seminar, please reach out to any member of the Mazkirut Artzit or give us a call at 267-908-7005!